TOLI Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "TOLI") has its action guideline: "Everything is for customers". Hence TOLI not only complies with the laws and regulations on private information, but also makes proper use of private information and always tries to protect them by the following policy, based upon sufficient understanding of the significance of those laws and regulations.

(1)TOLI specifies the purpose of use of private information and acquires them in a legitimate and equitable manner.

(2)TOLI gives notice of or announces the purpose of use of private information prior to acquisition of them, and treats the information to the extent that they are needed for execution of business.

(3)TOLI always tries to update the private information in order to keep the accuracy and the recency, as well as protect against unauthorized access, leak, loss, falsification and so forth by devising reasonable safety measures.

(4)TOLI takes the appropriate action when the customer asks for disclosure, revision, deletion, suspension, and so forth of his or her own private information.

(5)TOLI takes the needful measures to its employees and group companies so that the private information will be treated in an appropriate manner. In case the problems can be found, they will be improved on a continuous basis.

Inquiry on Private Information
